Dr. Sartorius: Man was created by Nature in order to explore it. As he a/pproaches Truth he is fated to Knowledge. All the rest is bullshit. Dr. Sartorius: 为了探索它,大自然创造了人类。当他接近真理的时候,他遇到了知识。剩下的就都是废话。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hari: I have a feeling someone's deceiving us. Hari: 我有种感觉有人骗了我们。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Snaut: We don't want to conquer space at all. We want to expand Earth endlessly. We don't want other worlds; we want a mirror. We seek contact and will never achieve it. We are in the foolish position of a man striving for a goal he fears and doesn't want. Man needs man! Dr. Snaut:我们根本就不想征服空间。我们想把世界延伸到无边无际。我们不想别的世界,我们想要一面镜子。我们寻求联系并且将永远也到达不了它。我们正是出在一个人类愚蠢的位置,为一个他所畏惧的目标奋斗,并且永远也不想。人类需要人类! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kris Kelvin: You mean more to me than any scientific truth. Kris Kelvin:在我看来,你比任何科学真理都要有意义。
塔科夫斯基起初想让他的前妻伊尔玛·劳什饰演哈莉,可在1970年6月与瑞典女演员毕比·安德森会面之后,塔科夫斯基开始考虑启用安德森,为了能与塔科夫斯基合作,安德森破例同意用卢布结算片酬。同年,纳塔莉亚·邦达尔丘克也参加了试镜,塔科夫斯基和邦达尔丘克曾共同就读于国家电影学院,向他推荐小说《索拉里斯》的正是邦达尔丘克,不过塔科夫斯基认为邦达尔丘克过于年轻而不适合扮演哈莉,随即将其推荐给导演拉莉萨·舍皮琴科。一年半后,塔科夫斯基被邦达尔丘克主演的《You and I》深深打动,于是决定让她成为扮演哈莉的最终人选。